Friday, March 11, 2011

Road Angels


This winter we had all together five foot of snow. Bob Hardesty  measures and computes each time it snows. There was nearly two feet at one time. When it is like that , we are pretty much snowed in. However John Ekhart owns a grader and parks it at Jim Kenobbie's house. John is a "weekender" , so he leaves the grader where it is available to Jim and Jim normally grades the snow off the roads. This year Jim was not feeling well and John drove all the way in on the snow covered highways, which had been plowed, from Sacramento just to plow out our National Forest roads. Our house is three miles from a county  maintained road.  Which means we are on our own for cleaning the road for three miles to access the  county road. John drove from Sacramento ,about 40 miles, got the grader going and plowed for two days getting the road us so we could drive out in our SUV. The neighbors chip in for diesel and we had John and Jim over for lunch when they did out driveway which is about a quarter mile long. Jim not feeling well but driving his Jeep to support and run any errands for John was with him most of the two days. These men get an road angel award this year for being so kind and plowing the road. The electric power was off for 5 days, but praise God our generator decided to run this year, very temperamental that machine.
 The snow is certainly a gift from God absolutely pristine when it first falls so beautiful and absolute silence. It has warmed up to 59 degrees and I believe spring is here the daffodil's are beginning to bloom.