Monday, November 15, 2010


Today early this morning, well about 9 after feeding the horses and old Wilbur the pot bellied pig, we Bob Hardesty, Terry and myself went to the Roadhouse church, it is in a bar you know, but the bar is closed right now so we are a church and that's it. Anyway the musicians have departed along with their black plastic coverings of the walls and windows and we have the use of the building temporarily to do what we want is what Jim Wright the owner told us. So this morning we went to dismantle the sound control booth the musicians had built. It was built  like a bridge with three 2X4's in the corners and 20 penny nails it took three of us four hours to dismantle pull the nails and clean up the mess. We were very satisfied with a job well done. Bob is nearly as old as I am but he worked straight through along with Terry. I had to stop half way through and take a break and then found an easier job, I stacked the boards out back and fed the stray cat that sleeps under the building. She is strange when she sees you she hisses and runs but then comes back never very close but checking out the food bowl for food. I am sure she is hungry but the re is a trailer court next door and she could swipe some food from those pet cats that live over there. Any way I came home and am resting , Joyce is working away she never stops. Varnishing the posts that hold up our wrap around deck.

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