Thursday, November 11, 2010

On the road

I had to run down to the garbage pickup place this morning to deliver our garbage cans, on the way back I noticed Susan stopping by the roadside and cleaning up some trash someone had thrown out. It seems that some of us throw out trash and then there are others of us that pick others trash. Susan who has lived out here in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Foothills a long time and off the power grid, you see her house does not have electricity. We are a remote community that is located  on a National Forest Road that is not maintained by any public entity. One of our neighbors John is a very generous man as well. John owns a road grader but John is what we call a "weekender" and is not here during the heavy snow fall. John is another community minded person, he leaves his road grader with Jim and when Jim comes home from work if there is heavy snow he fires up John's road grader and plows the road for the rest of us. Jim also is a very generous soul. These people are servers, community minded or soft hearted, but caring for their neighbors. We have all kinds that live in our area, but I am impressed by the community spirit and helpful attitude of these people who care.   JACK

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