Thursday, November 18, 2010

Church this week

This week on Wednesday and Thursday we ask for volunteers and with a little pressure got several men together borrowed a trailer from the neighbor, Jim Kenobbie, Larry brought his truck and O'Callahan and Glen came for muscle we met at chucks barn where we had stored several church pews. We sorted through them as being handled and stored they had taken a beating. They are very nice oak wood and most of the 12 feet long which is a problem because our room is only about 15 feet wide, but we persevere and moved some things around and we now have 6 long ones and two short ones about five foot plus three large chairs I call them thrones. Our previous pastor had found them on craigslist and in a moment of weakness bought the  whole Maryann. We are blest as we had church in the beer garden all summer and just when we thought we were done for the Lord closed the bar and the music competition and the permission was given to us by the owner Jim Wright to "Do what ever you want" unit the litigation is over. We have been doing what we want and brought in some more pews and the chairs i mentioned and have covered up all of the beer signs and taken down the smutty pictutres hung some beautiful quilts that my daughter had quilted for us and made arrangements for some wood for the wood stove and some propane for the propane heaters The pews were damaged in the moving so Terry,Bob and I repaired them added some legs in the center of the ones that needed center legs. Joyce was there along with our neighbor lady Debbie Kenobbie they cleaned all day Wednesday throwing out spoiled food and catsup and stiff from the closed restaurant. Vacuuming and sweeping and frebreezing the place. Then today we went for some finishing touches Terry and Bob and I fashioned a door between the "Church" area and the kitchen to keep the heat in and Joyce cleaned and hung quilts. It looks very nice. It is going to snow when we have church on Sunday and we think we are ready and the Lord is with us.
 that's it for today Jack

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