Sunday, November 27, 2011

Model T

This picture was taken nearly 20 years ago.
My wife bought this model T from my cousin Wes Gates a few years ago. It had belonged to a neighbor who had use it as a pickup, it was originally a touring car. Wes and I have worked on it when I visited him at the Gates Farm, which is a century farm stared by my Grandfather and Grandmother. The land has passed down through three generations, Wes' son Spencer is now farming the land. I rode in this Model T about 20 years (1990) ago when Wes' dad my uncle  Johnny was an expert on Model T's because when he was a youngster of the 3 gates brothers and in their day they drove fixed up and had fun in these cars.

this picture was taken about 1990
As you can see it had wire wheels  in those days. When I bought it the wire wheels were still on the car and the wheels belonged to one of the neighbors. We had to get some wheels and we prefered wooden spoke wheels to match the rear wheels. Wooden wheels were acquired and a couple of tire were replaced, this was a couple of years ago. The car still needed tires and tubes for the front wheels. I procured tires from Sacramento Vintage Ford but they wre having difficulty getting tubes so I called Ken in Beverton at Ken's Beckers model T store. We needed a fan belt as well but since I work with leather doing saddle and tack repair, I made a new fan belt from 10oz vegetable tanned leather as per Wes's measurements, it worked out great.

this picture was this past year 2011

We took the coils over to ken's and he tested and adjusted all four coils. We checked the timing, and the wiring. Put gas in out temporary gas tank strapped to the windshield and hooked up the battery , which had been charged earlier and tried to start it. No luck not even a spurt or pop. We made a few more adjustments and scratched our heads a lot. We then decided to tow it around the farm lot and get it started that way.

It was to no avail. the old car would not even make a sincere effort to run. There were several suggestions of a bad timer, that is what the distributor is called in Model T lingo, but it was time fro me to move on go home and continue my trip and then back to California. I did find a rear seat frame and the back rest for a Model t in the barn and ask Wes if it went with the car and he said yes I could have it. I was in our motor home and could not take a piece as big as the entire rear boy section of a model T. My wife came and looked and said "why don't you take it apart and there is room in the rear compartment of the motor home. I did and there was so I brought those parts home with me.

the rear seat frame and back rest 2011

There is a couple of door pillars as well very important pieces.

When we arrived home I unloaded all of the model t stuff and reserved a horse stall for this project. Of course it was to small already before I started oh well. I have a friend who has a saw mill and will do custom lumber at a very reasonable price. I contacted him and put my order in for som good Black Oak lumber for the sills. The model t has a wood frame that runs parralell with the steel frame and above it slightly. the entire body can be removed by releasing 6 bolts
(I think).
I have started working on the wood parts of the body using oak and maple lumber from my lumber pile in the wood shop. The body is made of wood and then the skin was placed over the wood shell and crimped onto the wood. My project will be difficult as the crimps are alredy in the metal and the rotten wood has to be removed first and then the new wood fashioned and installed and fit.
This is an example of the right rear door wood frame.
Wood plans are available from Leon Parker in Kentucky. I have purchased his plans and am on my way, slowly. I have used some of my firewood, yes we burn Black Oak for heat, by splitting it down with the log splitter and then squaring it up with a table saw and next the band saw. Works good for short pieces. It will be a lot faster when my dimension lumber arrives.
 December 8 2011
I have the promise that the wood pieces I have ordered will be here ant the end of the week.
There are a few problems it seems the rear end parts i have belong to a 1923 car and the chassis is a 1921 car. I have consulted Leon Parker the wood plan provider to get an opinion about this potential problem. However the plans and reference manuals most always include both dates. Henry was a tricky fellow though and made changes whenever he felt it was necessary, not at the need of nay year. The newer models were call "Improved" cars and it could be at any time of the year.
The project is moving along but very slowly The back rest is finished and the bullet holes have been mashed shut but are still eyesores on the rear of the body piece I have. Al of the metal parts I have have been treated with naval jelly to prevent further rust and then primed with oxide red primer, ugly looking stuff, but it protects the metal.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


These two ladies accepted the Lord that day

When we returned from our Oregon trip, we were very busy trying to catch up with our lives here. The most exciting thing that happened unexpectedly was a baptism which was planned and done in the lake nearby named :Stump meadows" after the baptism two of the ladies were talking to Joyce and after a short while she called pastor Jim over to talk to them and God had put it on their heart to accept Him then and there. What a blessing.

A young couple with two small children. The affair was attende by both sets of parents and most of our small church

Monday, July 4, 2011

Gates Leather Shop

We have been busy with the summer cleanup and  selling excess items from out Shop and buildings. Had orders for a embossed leather belt for a young man going to Iraq and several other "Just plain brown leather belts" . There were horse blankets, halters, bridles and miscellaneous other horse items. Then a lot of items that have been dear too our hearts that we haven't even looked at for a couple of years.. These things we are sad to sell but if it isn't being used or loved it probably should go. Joyce has sold much other weaving and crocheting yarns and equipment. Of course we still haave more than we can handle comfortable, but one step at a time.
 I still have an old International Harvester engine and a couple of old telephones with metal boxes and Joyce has a loom, maybe two that we are keeping for awhile.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Today is resurrection day celebrating the risen Christ. He is alive and the only God in all the religions that did come back to earth and was witnessed by more than 100 people. Even doubting Thomas asked and was shown the wounds in his hands and side when he doubted.
 Our little church which is located in building that used to be a motorcycle bar and now is only a church, as the bar has closed, had an attendance of 32 adults and the children's church was blessed by ten  younguns.
 The barroom that was all black has been repainted and is now a beige -peach  color and very attractive to one and all. Nothing is impossible when God is involved.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Judy Habig "the sprayer"

Judy did good

Marilyn and Joyce

Patty painting

Terry doing his thing

Valerie the "cutter inner"

We spent all day Thursday and then again all day Friday almost painting and enjoying the days and the smell of paint.
Jack Rested and cleaned up the front area burning the cedar limbs that the snow broke off. Green cedar does not burn very well. It took a long time and many breaks. The inside of the building was very smelly, but the girls hung in there and got the job done. Terry was there as as well and helped a good deal.
The paint dried all day Saturday and was a beautiful sight to see Sunday morning. We had about seven children in Children's church. Marilyn Wilkerson was very pleased as this was one of her pet projects for the children.
It was palm Sunday and the congregation was furnished with palm leaves and at one time in the service sang and raised the palm leaves worshiping the Lord.
We aer having an early fellowship at the Roadhouse Community Church Easter Sunday morning fellowship at 9:30 A.M.and service at 10:00 O'clock

Jack & Joyce on "Break" Beautiful day!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


It seems like spring and it is time fro spring, but it is cold and we have had late heavy snow and a strange spring and winter. As I think about it almost all weather is strange each year. We do not seem to remember the good weather as much as the bad weather with that thought I will say we had two or three beautiful sunny spring like days in JJanuary unusual but very pleasing and enjoyable.
  The hydro ave man is here doing his thing the home owners club applied for and received a grant to remove fire hazard type debris from near the boundaries close to the Eldorado National Forest boundaries. Bless their hearts. Mary Corneilson the local Fire Ssafety Group, wrong name, does a great job and I would like to pass on some praise for that endeavor it takes a lot of time and effort and is greatly appreciated.
  The snow is gone and the future holds more sun and enjoyment.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Road Angels


This winter we had all together five foot of snow. Bob Hardesty  measures and computes each time it snows. There was nearly two feet at one time. When it is like that , we are pretty much snowed in. However John Ekhart owns a grader and parks it at Jim Kenobbie's house. John is a "weekender" , so he leaves the grader where it is available to Jim and Jim normally grades the snow off the roads. This year Jim was not feeling well and John drove all the way in on the snow covered highways, which had been plowed, from Sacramento just to plow out our National Forest roads. Our house is three miles from a county  maintained road.  Which means we are on our own for cleaning the road for three miles to access the  county road. John drove from Sacramento ,about 40 miles, got the grader going and plowed for two days getting the road us so we could drive out in our SUV. The neighbors chip in for diesel and we had John and Jim over for lunch when they did out driveway which is about a quarter mile long. Jim not feeling well but driving his Jeep to support and run any errands for John was with him most of the two days. These men get an road angel award this year for being so kind and plowing the road. The electric power was off for 5 days, but praise God our generator decided to run this year, very temperamental that machine.
 The snow is certainly a gift from God absolutely pristine when it first falls so beautiful and absolute silence. It has warmed up to 59 degrees and I believe spring is here the daffodil's are beginning to bloom.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Roadhouse Church

The Jokers Roadhouse grounds have been raked, piled and burned, The grounds are looking very good. The building was also cleaned and provisions made for a children's church area, Marilyn Wilkerson has volunteered to be in charge of the youngsters, and guess what the Lord brought some youngsters the first Sunday we had prepared the area.
We have the sanctuary set up handily for Communion and worship. The Church has now a sound system. We have padded pews. We do have a need for a better heating system, the wood stove is located away from the main area and really is inadequate. There is ceiling propane heater, which is totally disconnected and probably does not work but we plan to check it out that may be the answer with some carpentry work for venting the heat from one area to the other. God is with us I am sure. The Cool Community Church donated their old hymnals to us and we have now 26 very nice hymnals available in back of each pew.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Tomorrow is a scheduled workday for the Roadhouse church. The plan is to rake and clean up the grounds of the Roadhouse building. We also plan on converting the bar area into children's church for the children that come with their parents. The community has been very supportive of our efforts and it is greatly appreciated.

coffee room

   Ed Gault is feeling pretty good today. He told me he is breathing better and was on his way to have lunch when I called.

bible study


Friday, February 4, 2011

Wild Horse Trail: Free Spirits

Wild Horse Trail: Free Spirits: "In our local vicinity we have many free spirits. These are people who are themselves , honest , and not worried about what people say or thi..."


Wild Horse Trail: CHURCH BLACK BOOTH: "Today early this morning, well about 9 after feeding the horses and old Wilbur the pot bellied pig, we Bob Hardesty, Terry and myself went t..."

Wild Horse Trail: Church this week

Wild Horse Trail: Church this week: "This week on Wednesday and Thursday we ask for volunteers and with a little pressure got several men together borrowed a trailer from the ne..."

Wild Horse Trail: FAITH

Wild Horse Trail: FAITH: "Our Roadhouse Community Church, which is located in a motorcycle bar has been going along smoothly for about 3 weeks. But yesterday I receiv..."

Wild Horse Trail: Church this week

Wild Horse Trail: Church this week: "This week on Wednesday and Thursday we ask for volunteers and with a little pressure got several men together borrowed a trailer from the ne..."

Wild Horse Trail: FAITH

Wild Horse Trail: FAITH: "Our Roadhouse Community Church, which is located in a motorcycle bar has been going along smoothly for about 3 weeks. But yesterday I receiv..."

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Our Roadhouse Community Church, which is located in a motorcycle bar has been going along smoothly for about 3 weeks. But yesterday I received a call from Terry and Bob that the generator cord was missing! Was it stolen? who did it belong to? Joyce called the Owners, and ask about the cord. they are in Havasau enjoying the sun , however when I talked to Jim he said there was ice on the puddles there as well as here in the Sierra Foothills. It seems the generator was given to Jim and it is a very nice one. But there was no cord. So when Don Jones took the maintenance job and the power was shut off he fashioned a cord enabling him to use Jim's generator. So the cord was Don's and he took it with him when he moved away. God is good There is my friend Steve Rubic who is a electrician par excellence and I called Steve. Steve has told me before he knows the building and it's wiring peculiarities, and that he could probably fashion a cord for us that would carry the load until we could get the electrical problem solve permanentantly. God did it again!  Have faith in the Lord He always comes through for you.